When we are developing a software with the collaboration of several members we need a way of sharing the code files, software versioning and revision control. We can use a Subversion system for this. SVN is one. See more information about svn here.
We can get a free host to host our files. Assembla is one which gives free services as well as paid ones.
So now we need a client software to work with an SVN. One popular software is TortoiseSVN. It’s a great software that can be used very easily.
If you are using Eclipse as your development IDE it is easy to work with an SVN. We need to install Subversion to the eclipse IDE.
Let’s get it installed.
( The screenshots below are taken using the “Eclipse for PHP Developers” Version: Helios Service Release 1)
First go to Help>>Install New Software
In the window you see next Click “Add” for in the right top corner.
You’ll get a window to Add a Repository. There add http://subclipse.tigris.org/update_1.6.x as the Location and press OK.
After a while you will be provided with a list. Check them as shown below and press next.
It will now take some time and show you a list of items to be installed. Press next and it will download the necessary files and install.
You’ll need to restart Eclipse after installation.
How to import Files ?
Sanjaya · December 28, 2010 at 4:33 pm
Go to : http://blog.sanjaya.me/how-to-install-eclipse-subversion-part-2-working-with-files/
for the next part of this blog post.
Sanjaya · December 28, 2010 at 4:49 pm
Kalana aiya has written about adding Subversion to Visual Studio. Check it here : http://kalanaonline.blogspot.com/2010/11/version-controlling-adding-subversion.html